Roasted and Brewed to Perfection

At Deja Brew, we start making your perfect cup of coffee by purchasing green beans from fair trade importers around the world who bring us high-quality coffees. Coffee from different regions in the world has distinct flavor profiles. Bringing out these distinct features is an art that we have practiced and perfected. We know that chemicals don't taste good, so we ensure that our coffee is all-natural so that you can enjoy every cup to the fullest. To learn more about where we get our coffee from, go to our fair trade page, down just a little lower.

We take care with all of our coffee to roast it to optimum taste so that you can enjoy the complexity of the flavor each coffee has. Below, we have more information about our three roasts, Jamais Vu, Presque Vu, and Deja Vu.

To enjoy coffee to the fullest, it should be brewed and enjoyed within fourteen days of roasting it. We roast small batches fresh every day and brew your coffee to order so that you'll find yourself wanting to come back again and again for Houston's best coffee.

Jamais Vu
Light Roast

Our Jamais Vu light roasted beans are only roasted to the 'first crack.' After that, we let the beans do the work to bring you earthy, balanced flavor. These beans don't have the bitterness or acidity that darker roasts do, but do pack a punch when it comes to caffeine. Because we only lightly roast these beans, you'll find each cup slightly unfamiliar as you explore the world through coffee beans.

Presque Vu
Medium Roast

With the best of both worlds, a medium roast like our Presque Vu will give you the earthiness and caffeine of our light roast and the light bitterness and mild acidity of our dark roast. We brew these beans just up to the 'second crack,' so that you have a cup of the most balanced, full-bodied coffee we have to offer. Offering the familiarity of a dark roast, Presque Vu will keep the origin of the coffee on the tip of your tongue.

Deja Vu
Dark Roast

Roasted until the coffee beans look like chocolate, our Deja Vu dark roast offers the most flavor from our roasting process. Dark Roast coffee tastes even more full-bodied than medium and has a slight bitterness and acidity that will render beans from any location comfortingly familiar. You might even find yourself saying, 'Am I feeling Deja Brew?'

Coffee from the best of places

We pride ourselves in bringing you the best coffee from around the world. To help you in your journey of finding the best Presque Vu or Deja Vu coffee, we keep all of our past featured coffee beans at our two locations until they sell out. We invite you to try our two featured bean sources of the week, Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Featured Country:


Guatemalan coffee has a full, round body that tastes almost like chocolate. The flavor is butterscotch-like sweet while its acidity is bright and pleasant. You'll also find a slight nuttiness and a floral, citrusy aroma. We could have just one roast of this bean in house, but Guatemalan coffee tastes so good at all roast levels that we have all three waiting for you at both of our Houston locations!

Our Guatemalan beans are from Grounds for Change. Scroll down to learn more about this fair trade partnership!

Featured Country:

Costa Rica

Costa Rican coffee has a round body that has notes of a brown-sugar sweetness that tastes as good as it smells. Its acidity is lively and bright, while its aroma is intense and fragrant. All three levels of roasting are waiting for you at both of our locations, but we invite you to try our personal favorite, which is both our Presque Vu and Deja Vu roasts as espresso shots or in a latte.

We get our Costa Rican coffee beans from Costa Rica Coffee Trade Group. More information about our fair trade partners is below!

We make sure to
pay our workers.

And we don't just mean the ones in our two Houston locations. Even the most high-tech roasting machines and breweries can't make a drop of coffee without coffee beans. We believe that the people who help farm these beans should be paid a living wage for their hard labor, and that's why all our coffee is fair trade. We work with multiple organizations intent on making sure that this happens to bring you the best cup of Joe, from anywhere in the world.

This week, our featured sources of coffee are Guatemala, via Grounds for Change, and Costa Rica, via Costa Rica Coffee Trade Group.

Let's stay in touch

  • Our First Location:
    5225 Almeda Rd
    Houston, TX
  • (713) 791-2739
  • Our Second Location:
    2202 Dallas St
    Houston, TX 
  • (719) 229-2739


Thought so. Here's help to get to the best coffee in Houston.